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A Brief History of Time

A Brief History of Time

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Author: Stephen Hawking

Number Of Pages: 212

EAN: 9780553380163

Release Date: 01-09-1998


Dive into the secrets of the cosmos with Stephen Hawking's "A Brief History of Time," a fascinating exploration of space, time, and the universe's mysteries. From the Big Bang to black holes, the book breaks down complex concepts like general relativity, quantum mechanics, and the search for a unified theory into an accessible read. Hawking discusses topics such as the nature of time, the expanding universe, and the possibility of time travel, all while sharing his unique insights.
As Hawking's groundbreaking work shapes our understanding of the cosmos, it inspires us to ponder the limitless possibilities that await discovery. He also addresses the ultimate question of whether the universe had a beginning and if it will ever end.
This compelling book ignites curiosity and deepens our appreciation for the vast cosmic tapestry and leaves us wondering: What other secrets does the universe hold, waiting for us to unveil them?

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