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Foreign Agents

Foreign Agents

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Author: Casey Michel

Number Of Pages: 368

EAN: 9781250286055

Release Date: 27-08-2024


"Foreign Agents" by Casey Michel delves deeply into the intricate web of hidden financial ties and illicit influence that foreign entities exert over American politics and society. Michel meticulously illustrates how, under the radar, money from abroad has shaped legislative decisions, swayed political outcomes, and influenced public opinion, all without the general populace’s awareness. The book provides a comprehensive historical overview that traces the evolution of foreign influence from the Cold War to the present, highlighting the increasing sophistication of these operations in the digital age. Michel argues that this covert influence has profound implications for American democracy and the integrity of its institutions. Through detailed case studies and an examination of legal loopholes, the narrative brings to light the urgent need for reform in campaign finance and transparency laws to protect against the manipulation of American policies by foreign interests.

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