Lean In
Lean In
Author: Sheryl Sandberg
EAN: 9780753541647
Release Date: 01-12-2015
Women, ever wondered why the glass ceiling seems so sturdy? 'Lean In' might just have the answers! Penned by Facebook's COO Sheryl Sandberg, this captivating read unravels the invisible barriers holding women back in the workplace. Sandberg prompts women to 'sit at the table', essentially meaning to seize opportunities and advocate for themselves. While battling internal barriers such as 'impostor syndrome,' she encourages finding mentors and building networks. The book highlights the significance of combining professional achievements with personal fulfillment. Moreover, it talks about the importance of having a supportive partner and sharing household responsibilities to ensure both genders thrive in their careers. 'Lean In' is a call to action - urging women to step up, be ambitious, and actively shape their own destiny. So, women of the world, are you ready to break that glass ceiling?
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