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Author: Thomas Hobbes

Number Of Pages: 736

EAN: 9780140431957

Release Date: 25-02-1982


Step into the world of 'Leviathan' by Thomas Hobbes, a groundbreaking work of political philosophy. Hobbes explores the nature of human beings and the necessity of a strong central authority to avoid chaos and war. He argues that in a state of nature, without laws or government, life would be "nasty, brutish, and short." To prevent this, Hobbes suggests that people must surrender some of their freedoms to a powerful sovereign, or "Leviathan," who can enforce peace and security. This social contract forms the basis of organized society and government. Hobbes emphasizes the importance of a common power to protect people from their own selfish instincts and maintain order. 'Leviathan' delves into the structure of society, the role of the state, and the dynamics of power and authority, offering timeless insights into human nature and governance.

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