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The Secret

The Secret

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Author: Rhonda Byrne

EAN: 9781471172397

Release Date: 01-12-1994


Imagine holding the universe's most powerful secret right in your hands! "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne unfolds the principle of the Law of Attraction. The book teaches you how your thoughts and emotions are magnetic frequencies that attract what you desire—or fear—into your life. Want wealth, health, or happiness? Visualize it, feel it, and it can be yours. "The Secret" is not just about asking; it's about belief and receiving. The universe will rearrange itself to make your desires come true, but you must believe in the possibility and worthiness of what you're asking for. The book advises you to use tools like vision boards, positive affirmations, and most importantly, gratitude, to set this law into motion effectively. Byrne brings together insights from ancient texts to modern-day thinkers, threading science, history, and firsthand accounts to illustrate this universal law. With this knowledge, you're not just a spectator; you're the creator of your destiny!

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